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Ellen Allen Voice & Coaching
Voice Lessons | Vocal Coaching | Mindset Coaching | Audition Preparation
Serving teen and adult singers in Reading, MA and Boston's North Shore

Ellen Allen
Mar 1, 20224 min read
What's the Deal with Vocal Warm-ups?
What kind of vocal warmups are best, how many, and why? Voice teacher Ellen Allen shares some advice!
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Ellen Allen
Jan 14, 20214 min read
Five "Must-Have" Elements for a Show-Stopping Performance
Have you ever sat in the audience, listening to a singer who maybe *sounds* great, but whose stage presence is just… awkward? Or, maybe...
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Ellen Allen
Dec 18, 20205 min read
"Sopranos, Less Vibrato!": Thoughts on the V-Word from a Choral Singer & Voice Teacher
As a classically-trained, professional choral singer, a choral director, AND a voice teacher, I have loooots of thoughts about the V-word...
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Ellen Allen
Dec 2, 20205 min read
Virtual Choir 101
In these not-so-unprecedented-anymore times (let's face it, we've been at this nearly nine months), musicians of all stripes have had to...
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Ellen Allen
Sep 8, 20202 min read
Back-to-School, Back-to-Practicing!
While the start of this school year is undoubtedly unlike any other, there are still elements of our back-to-school routines that we find...
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Ellen Allen
Aug 11, 20202 min read
How to Maximize Your Vocal Warmups, Part 2
In my last post, I talked about the basic structure of a vocal warm-up: how you should start, what you should focus on first, and how to...
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Ellen Allen
Jul 28, 20204 min read
How to Maximize Your Vocal Warm-up, Part 1
Virtually any singer will tell you that vocal warm-ups are important. Ask them why, and - particularly less experienced singers - will...
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Ellen Allen
Jun 29, 20206 min read
How To Sight-Read Like a Pro
Do you like to sight-read? LOL, right? Well, some people do. *Meekly raises hand* Why do so many singers dread sight-reading? Oh, so...
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Ellen Allen
May 27, 20205 min read
The "Ten Commandments" of Choral Singing
I came up with the Ten Commandments of Choral Singing when I was the director of a small girls' choir several years ago. This post was...
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